FFTUSA Interregional - PA
This event is sanctioned by Fly Fishing Team USA for their new point system and 2023 cycle. All competitors must be a member of Fly Fishing Team USA and you can get your memebership here: https://www.flyfishingteamusa.com
Fishing Dates:
Saturday, March 29th - Sunday, March 30th
Opening Cerominy:
Friday, March 28th
Mike Komara
State College, Pa
Event Format:
4, 2 hr competitor controlled sessions.
Competition Map:
Will be made avaliable soon
Competition Sectors:
Sector I: Spring Creek, Lower (Milesburg, Pa)
Sector II:Spring Creek, Upper (Houserville, Pa)
Sector III: Big Fishing Creek, Narrows (Lamar, Pa)
Sector IV: Little Juniata River, Upper (Tyrone, Pa)
Backup Sector: Spring Creek, Middle
Wild Brown Trout, Wild Brook Trout, Wild & Stocked Rainbow Tout
Friday, March 28th
7:00pm :: Competitor Meeting
Saturday, Febuary 22th
7:30am - 9:30pm :: Session 1
10:15pm - 12:15pm :: Session 2
1:15pm - 3:15pm :: Session 3
4:00pm - 6:00pm :: Session 4
Sunday, Febuary 22rd
7:30am - 9:30pm :: Session 5
10:15pm - 12:15pm :: Session 6
1:15pm - 3:15pm :: Session 7
4:00pm - 6:00pm :: Session 8
8:00pm - Awards
Transportation must be provided by the anglers.
Medals to top 3 individuals.
Angler Limit:
This event will be limited to the first 20 invited anglers.
Registration Fee:
$125 due at time of registration.
A comp water no-fish policy will be in affect starting Sunday, March 2nd at dark. All other water will remain open. Practice water is markd on the map
State College, Pa
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