

Bernard Weston Does registration open on noon Sat or midnight Fri? I'm guessing noon Sat but better to make sure....
February 24, 2022; 11:57pm EST
Zachary VanDeHey Correct, it opens tomorrow @12 noon pacific time
February 25, 2022; 7:16pm EST
Jonas Champlain Do I still need to purchase the membership if I’m on the waitlist or can I wait to see if I get moved off before purchasing?
February 26, 2022; 3:11pm EST
Ryan Wilbur Any chance you could expand the field? Seems to be a good amount of interest!
February 27, 2022; 3:42pm EST
Zachary VanDeHey I will look into possibly expanding the field and let you know Ryan, thanks!
February 27, 2022; 8:48pm EST
Ryan Wilbur Awesome, thank you very much!!
February 28, 2022; 5:55pm EST
Kevin Haley An expanded field would be amazing. I’ll do my best to help with setup the day prior, marking off beats, etc.
March 1, 2022; 9:29pm EST
Tonn Cummins This is my first comp, Zachary is there a place that I can read the rules of the comp for scoring and fishing tackle regulations? Also I paid my membership subscription immediately after registration, but it still says “membership needed”. Is there something else I need to do? My email is I’m looking forward to it.
March 3, 2022; 11:41am EST
Zachary VanDeHey I will send out an email soon to everyone who is registered with some basic rules outlined for this.
March 3, 2022; 12:44pm EST
Mattias Holverson What’s up Tonn, same “membership needed” situation is happening on my end as well. (purchased the membership right after I entered)…I’m sure it’s just a glitch
March 4, 2022; 2:20pm EST
Kevin Haley Any update on if this field will be expanded?
March 5, 2022; 1:57pm EST
Zachary VanDeHey I have reevaluated the water to see if I could make more anglers work and I don't believe it will work... I'm planning on doing another comp later this year on water that would allow more anglers!
March 7, 2022; 1:08pm EST

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