Clear Creek Mini #2


This event will be another "local" in the new Fly Fishing Team USA format.

Saturday, August 17th, 2024

Nearest towns are Idaho Springs and Black Hawk.

Event Format:
Each angler will fish two 2:15 hour sessions.

Competition Sector: 
Clear Creek Canyon

Google Map

Fish Species:
Brown, Rainbow and Brook Trout


Meet Up and Rules Review
7:00 am - Large Parking Lot across from Two Bears Tap and Grill

AM Sessions
8:00 -10:15  am - River Session 1A
11:00- 1:15 pm, River Session 1B

PM Sessions
2:00 -  4:15 pm, River Session 2A
5:00 - 7:15 pm, River Session 2B

Transportation to be provided by anglers.

Angler Limit:
This event will be limited to the first 12 anglers.

Registration and Fee:
Registration for this comp opens at noon on August 2nd.   There is no entry fee but you must purchase a Fly Fishing Team USA membership. Please WAIT TO PURCHASE the membership until you have a spot in the comp as it is first come first serve for the registration.  You can purchase the membership at the top of the Fly Fishing Team USA page.  

A comp water no-fish policy will be in affect starting Monday, August 12th at sunrise.  

We will run the draw Thusrday night, August 15th, after setting the beats.

The closest lodging locations are in Idaho Springs, Evergreen and Black Hawk.

Organizers: Cody Burgdorff and Jack Arnot 


1 8/18/2024 8:00am - 10:15am
2 8/18/2024 11:00am - 1:15pm
3 8/18/2024 2:00pm - 4:15pm
4 8/18/2024 5:00pm - 7:15pm


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